13 Feb 2013

Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before

This makes me sad. It demystifies great fashion designers.
It also makes me very proud of one of our leading fashion masterminds. 

17 Jan 2013

Concrete Genezis

Have you seen IVANKA's fantastic concrete collection?
The Hungarian duo is offering the ultimate lovechild of architecture and fashion. 
They presented their debut line a couple of years ago at Paris FW and are now selling out in Milan and China.
 Though the accessories and jewellery are stunning,  as far as experimental clothing is concerned,
I go with my mothers infamous words 'You can make this yourself'. But never will. 
Faculty of Architecture should offer a concrete fashion design course. Just sayin'.

all photos  © IVANKA Studio / Balazs Mate and ivanka.hu


I honestly think I'd have a hard time styling this, but hey, it's latex melting down your thighs, never a bad thing! 
Check out Sara Urbais' webshop URB-Clothing.

6 Jan 2013


Again, a week before my birthday, I'm posting a list of things I most likely won't get.

Konjac anyone?

I've been tempted to buy a famous Konjac sponge for a while now, but didn't feel like paying 9€ for a novelty like that. So after finding it cheaper in KIKO shop, I gave it a go (marketing 'ho' much?). Anyways, the thing works. It's so gentle to the skin, it's basically getting a facial micro-massage by angels. I don't get the concept of using sponges to 'clean' more than twice, so I use it after I've cleansed my face. Don't ask me how it works, but after using it, the skin is soft and glowing, not dry and thirsty like after rinsing the cleanser off. And it's actually a vegetable (from Konjac plant root), hence worth its money even just for the joy of squeezing it. Happy new year by the way.